We got our first big dump of snow the day after we got back from our trip to Fargo (more on that later!) - November 11…. Remembrance Day/Veterans Day. I had planned for a while to have a "First Snow (that sticks) Party". I anticipated that it would be some day after school, but having it on a vacation day was great. So we made some little invitations and Lucy delivered them to everyone on the street.
And then the kids played in the snow. Cade thought he'd try out cross-country snowboarding. I don't think it will become an olympic sport anytime soon.
The kids helped get ready for the party - snowflakes needed for decoration:

Cade was the arm putter-onner…. the path of least resistance. They all did a fantastic job!
Then for the rest of the menu:
Lucy made the signs and Mia put them cleverly on the bowls. Pretzels (or prentzels, as certain Ackermanns call them): "snowman arms", carrots: "snowman noses"; chocolate chips: "coal"; marshmallows: "snowman bodies". And then the "California snowballs" - clementines.
Much to Eric's chagrin, I bought a bunch of white mugs from the thrift store. He was slightly unimpressed as I have been known to purchase an excessive amount of mugs at the thrift store. But when he found out that they had a purpose other than filling our cupboards, he was thrilled. Well, okay, not thrilled. He isn't really the thrilled type…..
Anyway, the mugs were for decorating with paint pens. One for each kid that came.
At 2:30 we had a few start to come.
At first it was a little disappointing because most of the girls on the street were gone or busy with other things. I was hoping for the whole crowd. But I guess that is what happens with a spontaneous party! It turned out to be great in spite of that and everyone had a great time. A bunch of the boys came and even one couple with whom Eric and I visited for quite a long time (we said on the invitations that the kids could bring their parents if they wanted!).
They loved doing the mugs - I wasn't sure if it would go over with guys, but it sure did! I just hope that theirs had better results than Cade's. For some reason, his artwork got all messed up. Bummer. We had done it before so I don't know what when wrong. Here's hoping that the rest were good!
The kids decided that roasting their marshmallows was a good idea. Once their fingers started burning with the marshmallows on the short pretzels, I broke out the skewers for them.
Once all the planned activities were done, we told them they could go home and get their bathings suits (and ask their parents' permission, of course) to do a little polar hot tubbing. Oh my goodness they were crazy. And I can't believe no one broke or even scrapped/bruised anything. The deck was an ice rink with all the water they splashed out when they kept jumping in and out of the hot tub to jump in the snow!
I'm pretty sure this will need to become an annual event. It was such a good time.
After we finally kicked them all out of the hot tub and off to their homes (dinner bells were ringing), we wrapped up the leftover cupcakes and Cade and Lucy delivered them to the kids who couldn't come. Hopefully they'll get a sense of the fun they missed and do whatever they can to be around for the first snow next year!
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