Friday, December 12, 2014

shoe cutting party

I think I've mentioned this before.  I love our life group. 
We did another service project two weeks ago.  Oh wait!!  Update on the previous "baking a playground" - the bake sale made $1500!!  That is $200 more than was needed - fantastic!!
So back to the next service project…..
When I was at the Allume conference in October, I was introduced to Sole Hope.  It is a great outreach to children and their families in Eastern Africa.  People there get these horrible bugs, jiggers, that burrow into their feet and reek havoc on them.  Part of the problem is inadequate health care but much of it could be prevented with simple footwear.  So Sole Hope does just that - makes shoes for children (and provides medical care, etc. in the name of Jesus!).  The idea is for groups, like ours, to use their patterns to trace and cut out pieces of denim that will then be made into shoes for these kids.  The pieces of denim are then sent it - hopefully with some money as well - and Sole Hope has them made into shoes.  They train and employ people there to make the shoes, paying them a fair wage, so these people are also able to earn money to provide for their families.  It is a win-win for everyone.  A fabulous organization!
So our group spent a few hours the other Saturday tracing, cutting and sorting many, many pieces of denim for cute little African feet.  It was so fun and everyone was happy to be part of it.  

Maddy had plans to go and do some things with friends later that evening.  She enjoyed herself so much that she cancelled.  I was so encouraged.

We had a little injury as well.  Poor Lynda held and raised her had for a long ol' time and couldn't get her thumb to stop bleeding!

The only other casualties where the occasional safety pin.  The pins wouldn't poke through the plastic (you cut out plastic pieces to give the shoes some sturdiness), so Isaac took to drilling.

Have you noticed that I pretty well always get some glare from Maddy when I take a picture of her?  Yes, I've noticed too.

Proof that I was actually there, too:

We made enough for 33 pairs of shoes, plus extra pieces.  One of the ladies, an art teacher at the high school, may have her students make some more as well.  Cool.  And one of the best parts of the night for me?  Having one of the teenagers hand me $40 of their own money to send off with the shoes.  An example of sacrifice and a heart of generosity. Amazing.

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