Monday, September 7, 2015


My dearest friend and her family came for a visit.  In a 1986 Winnabego.  From PEI.  And their driving to their home in North Vancouver, BC.  And they are living my dream.
They've taken a month to travel across the country in this old dream of rust and gold, seeing the grandness of our fine country.  I've been wanting to do the trek, albeit across the US (but would love to do Canada, too) over a few months, with the whole family.  Most think I am insane, but I'm used to that.  Not everyone is up for adventure.  But I think you may as well explore and live life to the fullest while we can.  Okay.... back to the friends and enough about me.
We were absolutely thrilled to have them visit.  You have to understand that this is woman is practically a part of me.  She is so very, very dear... as is her family.  And I literally ache sometimes because I don't get to see her for so long.  But we had one afternoon, and it was glorious (as long as I didn't focus on the fact that we only had one afternoon - it is barely enough to get started, you know what I'm saying?)
We spent the afternoon in the pool swimming, talking, laughing and yes, even a few tears were shed (we can't go talking very long without going deep - as deep as one can when surrounded by raucous kids, at least somewhat, and deep usually means tears).  Unfortunately Lucy missed out on the occasion, which really was sad, because you want to share your whole family with each other, right?  Right.  And the last time we were together as two whole families is when Lucy was a baby.  Too long.  Much too long.
Time ended quickly and they had to move on to bigger and better things (I only say that to sound humble, clearly they had no where to go but down!).  We inspected their dream mobile, said our fond farewells, wrestled on the grass a little, and off they went.

It best not be another 10 years until our families are together again.

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