Tuesday, February 10, 2015

quinsy two

About two weeks ago or so, they were back at it.  Building another quinsy.  Actually, it is more like a fort, but quinsy sounds way more cool.  And I'm all about cool.  Eric did most of the grunt work, but the kids helped out a fair bit.

Apparently this is very hard work.  Mia needed a little breather.

Cade used a bottle of water, with a hole put in the cap, to squirt out water onto the structure.  And old ketchup bottle, with a hole already in place, was used too.  But it is way better (and cooler) to make your own.  Water turned to ice and made it nice and solid!

I suppose I should really take a picture of the final product.  They even made a sliding door with a piece of plywood.  Pretty sweet.  I mean cool.
For the last little while it was looking a little gnarly and it has been quite mild and so everything gets soft and mushy.  But today we have had a full day of solid snowing (no blizzard - not a hard snow, unfortunately) so now it will have a nice fresh layer of beautiful white powder on it.  Lovely.

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