It is January 9th and I'm blogging about the first day of school. Pictures of the kids in shorts, green grass, blue sky…. those were the days.
The good news is that this is my last "catch up post". After this I am back on track - finally! The other good news is that shorts, green grass and blue sky is only 5 (or 6…) months away. Actually, for Mia and I it is only one and a half weeks away!! I'll leave you in suspense until I blog about that later!
Wednesday, September 3 was the first day back at school. Oh how very long ago it seems. Maddy a senior (or here - in grade 12), Mia in grade 8 - her last year of middle school, Cade in his first year of middle school (grade 5) and Lucy in her last year of elementary ("early years" - grade 4). I keep feeling older and older as the kids keep moving up. Weird. I wonder if there is a reason for that….
We did have our very own house to leave from this year. That was kind of fun. We had just moved in the weekend before and were still trying to get it a place to call home. Sidewalk chalk on the driveway always helps…. although no mention about school starting this year (that happened last year, just so you know).
Some guy did not look so thrilled about the whole school starting back up again thing. Not thrilled at all. In fact, rather miserable. We like to torture our children by giving them an edumacation.
The girls weren't quite as devastated, although they look happier than perhaps they were. Or actually, they probably were happier than they pretended to be and their true joy just showed in the pictures. I'm thinking that is closer to the truth.
And no, Maddy is not going to grade three. Although sometimes I wish she were….
Off Mia goes. There was no looking back this year either. She couldn't have cared less if I was there snapping pictures of her.
Lucy on the other hand played the game well. She ran away trying to get away from the camera. That's more like it!

There was even a rainbow in the sky after we dropped the kids off. A symbol of good things to come, perhaps?
I, of course, also started back at work. Actually, I started about two or three (don't remember) weeks before the kids did. Most of it was getting the new K-6 library ready, but I did get to do some creativish things, like some chalkboard signs and stuff like that.
Perhaps it isn't that crazy writing this post now. We just got back to school again this week after break. And in some ways it felt like this. Especially if you take a look again at Cade's face. That was a little more of a common express this past Monday.
Only 6 more months left.
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