Sunday, January 4, 2015

the wetlands - a hit

So I had almost completely written this post but was waiting to get a picture of the lyrics for the song that we are talking about below.  I still don't have it and don't even know if Lucy still has the sheet.  I need to root around in her room and see if I can find it.  The point is, that this could have been posted a month and a half ago since I am no further along with it than I was back then.  Shoot.

Way back when, on the 6th of November, Maddy decided to entertain us with with a lovely song.  A song of Lucy's.  A song Lucy and her group at school wrote for a project about the wet lands.  A song Lucy has entertained us with innumerable times already.
Maddy stole her lyric sheet and the little bitty four-stringed guitar (four strings because two broken) that our neighbour gave to Lucy, and broke into song as Lucy had done many times before.

It became a game of getting the guitar and lyrics away from Maddy.

And then it became an all-girl event with Mia helping.
It then became a oh-no-I-think-we-need-to-take-you-in-for-stitches event. 
Yup.  Somehow between all the wrestling and what-not, Lucy's lip got smashed on the floor and started bleeding like crazy.
Sure enough.  She needed stitches.  Poor Mia felt AWFUL.  She was quite torn up about it even though it was an accident of course.  She is a sweet, sensitive one.
I can't believe I didn't take a picture of her cutie-widdow-wip (translation - cute little lip) with the stitch in it.  I thought for sure I did but apparently I suck more than I even thought possible.
The least I can do is record the lyrics to the song here.  Sing to the tune of jingle bells:

We have since recorded Lucy's rendition of the song on my phone.  It is now my ring-tone.  You need to bring laughter into as much of life as possible!

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