Tuesday, February 10, 2015

natural coolness

Just a few random highlights from our house.  First, my one of my amazing son's cool inventions: a "Lego Mini-figure Factory".  He set up all his mini-figure heads, hats/hair, shirts/torsos, pants/legs and, accessories in this cool little organized thingy.  The shirt/torso thing is a carousal - it spins around.  The pants/legs are in three pull-out drawer type things (see second picture).  It is all pretty sweet.  And I love his creativity.  It makes me super proud!

Last week when Eric picked me up from work, we saw the most beautiful sight.  Unfortunately the camera (at least in my feeble hands) did not at all capture how amazing it was.  It looked like all the tree branches were covered with solid crystal.  The sun was shining on them and they were icy.  It was an amazing glow.  It was completely gorgeous. 

My sister took this picture with her phone and it is way better than any I took!  Plus the area is nicer.

The other bit of coolness was Lucy in the hot tub.  She stayed out there, in the hot tub, for an hour and a half, just playing.  It was great.  Anyway, the steam turned into frost on her hair.  It looked pretty great.

And as an aside, something not so cool.  I may not take any pictures, and it would be strongly preferred if I didn't say anything about this at all…. but I'll just mention this for posterity sake.  Cade broke his clavicle on Saturday (Feb. 7) while tobogganing (or is it sledding?…. still don't know which is the proper term for what).  He doesn't like to talk about it much even though he is a cool tough guy.  But that's all I can say about that.

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