We have had crazy nice weather this last week. Above freezing - all the snow is melting already. People have patches of actual green grass on their yards. It is amazing.
While we are fully aware that it more than likely (much more…) will still get quite cold and even snow again, the reprieve is very welcome.
One of the best parts to me, is seeing everyone outside again. People are going for walks and bike rides (if we had this weather in California, it would be time to hole up in our houses!), kids are playing outside… it is fantastic. Lucy was on the scooter with a neighbour girl and Cade came back from a bike ride. Earlier Eric and Lucy went on a bike ride and Mia went for a walk with a cousin.
For so long I wished for snowy winter weather again and now I have had it for two winters. I'm kind of over it! While I would still like snow for the month of December or so (there really isn't anything quite like a white Christmas), after that, I am done. I want to be outside more. I want to send the kids outside more (it has been a milder winter than last year, so temperature wise it has been okay, but since there hasn't been a lot of snow, they keep clearing away the snow hills to keep the city workers busy, so the play areas get taken away). Or just have them want to go outside on their own!
Right now Eric and Lucy are having a snowball fight against Cade and two neighbour boys. I love hearing the sounds - yelling and laughter. (I'm tempted to go out and have at it with them, but I'm kind of savouring a house to myself for a few minutes!)
The one good thing is that after being cooped up for a while during winter, everyone is ready to be out when it is done. And you certainly appreciate it more. That part is really fun.
Right now Eric and Lucy are having a snowball fight against Cade and two neighbour boys. I love hearing the sounds - yelling and laughter. (I'm tempted to go out and have at it with them, but I'm kind of savouring a house to myself for a few minutes!)
The one good thing is that after being cooped up for a while during winter, everyone is ready to be out when it is done. And you certainly appreciate it more. That part is really fun.
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